The Eclectic

Time moves in one direction, memory in another. – William Gibson

Archive for November, 2008

Yes We Can

Posted by David Leslie on November 5, 2008

It’s been a long but good day. At the staging area at 5:45, to the poll by 6.

Worked with some great folks to get out the vote for our next President.

Numbers from the machines at my ward looked bleak but many voted early.

So while the team leads headed downtown to watch results, I went home and was stunned by the results:

Obama = winner

I get to tell my son that those door hangers we hung Monday night together helped get Obama elected.

Nancy Garland = Beat Jim MacGregor. I got 8 pieces of mail from Jim in the last week. That’s tells you how much money went into this race to come up short.

Pat Tiberi (a man called Igor by Esquire to John Boehner’s Dr. Frankenstein) goes down to David Robinson who never even mail dropped my ward. Given that Pat took over the seat from his boss John Kasich who held it before him, I thought he would step down on his own before he’d ever lose an election for this seat.

Heading to bed now but more tomorrow as it sinks in..

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